Saturday, July 9, 2016

Three-minute meditation to try on your commute

Gene sent in the following link and comments:   

"The link below is where I found the 3 minute meditation I have found useful.

It’s the one titled 'Three Minute Breathing Space.' It can be played from the site, or right clicked and downloaded as an MP3.

There are others on the same page I have used once or twice."

(Note: there is a lot of additional material and resources on this Web site called "Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World" - mes.

Maughn also sent in some additional information: 

"Wow, thanks Gene.  I believe this web page is connected to the book by Mark Williams, "Mindfulness: An 8-Week Practice," which is one of the clearest and most practical books I've read on mindfulness practice I've found:

He has a chocolate meditation on that page (the one above listed by Gene), which I adapted for use in my philosophy of education class.  For the past couple of years I've done this on the last day of class and used this PowerPoint in silence as we do the practice together.

I still have the feeling of deep peace and expanding heart with me that we shared together last week."


(A huge clear, cold spring gushing from the side of a mountain near Mackay, Idaho, where I hiked with two of my brothers in early spring. The run-off from this spring becomes a stream going through the gorge.- mes)

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